Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chapter 10: Assessment

Wow, look how far we've come! 10 blog posts later and I'm only going a little crazy. Thats what I call PROGRESS. (I'm so over this project)

So, American Imperialism. I wish I could say that I've learned so much from this project and that I feel so much smarter but in all honesty, I'm not sure I've retained one bit of this information. But thats what school is right? Get good grades and thats what matters right?!

But since I have to finish this one last chapter... Here we go.

The positives of American Imperialism? Everything.
Negatives? Nothing

Just kidding.

I'd say that the positives of American Imperialism would be just how much land we gained! Like woah. The U.S. knew we were getting way too big so lets just spread out!

Negatives? Definitely would be fighting in WWI, all of the riots and fights from expanding westward. And I'm sure some other things but thats whats important.

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