Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chapter 9: WWI

As we all know, World War I was the bloodiest war the world has ever seen. The Unites States was involved both as a financial supporter and as a participant of the allies. Woodrow Wilson's country emerged as a major world power: financially, politically, and militarily. America got involved in the war to begin with by claiming neutrality. As the war erupted, Wilson formally proclaimed neutrality, which many Americans favored, on August 4, 1914. His initial hope was that America could be impartial in thought and in action. Of course, this hope was crushed by Germany's attempt to quarantine the British Isles. Britain was one of America's closest trading partners and basically the U.S. said, "Oh I don't think so!" And thus, war. Six months after the war started, Germany announced total war against all ships, neutral or not, that entered the war zone around Britain. 
After we claimed neutrality, which clearly didn't last too long, we had no choice but to participate in the war. On April 6th, 1917, America was in total war mode. Though there were many small groups in America, such as: American-Germans, and American-French, most Americans supported and fought for Wilson's approach. He took full control of foreign policy issues within the constitutions' limits. Wilson knew that the cause of the war wasn't simply just black and white. And because of this, he maintained America's neutrality because he didn't think that American interests were threatened. 
Wilson's 14 points were the basis for a peace program and on the back of the 14 points, Germany and her allies agreed to armistice in 1918. 

The 14 points were: 
1. No more secret agreements ("Open covenants openly arrived at").
2. Free navigation of all seas.
3. An end to all economic barriers between countries.
4. Countries to reduce weapon numbers.
5. All decisions regarding the colonies should be impartial
6. The German Army is to be removed from Russia. Russia should be left to develop
    her own political set-up.
    clearly recognisable lines of nationality."
       the Balkan states.
       the old Turkish Empire should govern themselves.
       independence of all states.

7. Belgium should be independent like before the war.
8. France should be fully liberated and allowed to recover Alsace-Lorraine
9. All Italians are to be allowed to live in Italy. Italy's borders are to be "along
10. Self-determination should be allowed for all those living in Austria-Hungary.
11. Self-determination and guarantees of independence should be allowed for
12. The Turkish people should be governed by the Turkish government. Non-Turks in
13. An independent Poland should be created which should have access to the sea.

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