Thursday, January 15, 2015

Chapter 3: Alaska, Hawaii, and Japan

Morning! Why were our two last states, Alaska and Hawaii, admitted into the U.S. anyway? Lets find out.
We wanted each territory because it would benefit trading with Japan and other countries. Alaska is at the tail end of Canada and Hawaii is in the very middle of Japan and the states, so obviously it would make trade easier.

Alaska was admitted on January 3, 1959 by President Eisenhower as our 49th and largest state. It was originally found on a Russian expedition.. In fact, Alaska was estimated at around 7.2 million by William Seward and was laughed at because he priced an unexplored land so high but Alaska ended up being a great investment because of how much gold ended up being found.
But anyway, we wanted Alaska for its easy access to Japan and for its many resources and because it would open up a whole new door of trade. And to make a long story short, we showed up on Japan's coast, guns out, 'asking' to be naval alliances. Back then, Japan was today's China and we wanted their resources and friendship.  And, Japan agreed.. (I mean, with the size of our navy and guns on them, how could they not?!)

Hawaii, admitted to the United States on August 21, 1959, was our last state and the second territory we won. We had wanted Hawaii in the first place for its many resources such as pineapple and sugar cane. But the number one reason we wanted those seven little islands was because it was dead center between the United States and Japan. This would make it easier for cargo ships to make there journey to Japan because they could stop to dock and rest. Queen Lili'uokalani had finally decided to step down and trust that America would do their best with Hawaii and wanted to steer clear of the bloodshed.

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