Sunday, January 11, 2015

Chapter 2: History of Intervention

Im back! Ive been thinking a lot about George Washington's farewell speech and all of the warnings he left for us.. Have we followed these instructions and heeded his warnings? Lets see...
He had warned us about getting involved and wrapped up in foreign affairs, which lasted until about World War I. He told us that we have no common interest with other nations and to not let anyone tell us otherwise. And lastly, we warned us that if we did not heed this advice, we would endanger American's and American interest by being pulled into wars that do not need to be fought by Americans.
Now, let's look at the Louisiana Purchase first, would Washington be proud of this decision? The Louisiana Purchase was the 530,000,000 acres of land in North America purchased by the United States from France in 1803 for 15 million dollars (236 million dollars today). In my opinion, George Washington would be somewhat proud of this decision that the U.S. made. I think so because all in all it was a pretty great move for us. I mean we doubled our country's size, how could you go wrong?!
Next we have the War of 1812, what do you think? Just the word 'war' is kind of off-putting. Lets look... This was was a two-and-a-half year military conflict between the United States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, its North American colonies, and its American Indian allies. To the U.S. and Canada, it is a war in its own right, but to Europeans, it is seen as a the ate of the Napoleonic Wars because it was caused by issues related to war. It resolved many issues that remained from the Revolutionary War but involved no boundary changes. The U.S. declared war for trade restrictions, the impressment of American merchant sailers, British support of Indian tribes, and just pure outrage over insults to national honor. I think Washington would've been kind of on the edge about this event because while the U.S. did get involved in foreign affairs, like he warned not to, they did also resolve many issues.
The Monroe Doctrine! No no no. This was a bad move. Washington would be ashamed at this move made by the U.S. The doctrine was a foreign policy that stated further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be seen as an ac of aggression and would require U.S. intervention.. Let's just move on..
Here! Manifest Destiny. This was the belief that the U.S. settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent of North America. They felt it was their essential duty. This was a Contested concept. Many Democrats rooted for it while many prominent Americans such as Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and most Whigs rejected it. It was used by Democrats to justify the war with Mexico and also to divide Oregon with Great Britain. Manifest Destiny meant the expansion of slavery in Texas. Washington would've been very disappointed.

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